Student Success

Joyce Fairman, right, with student Emily Gmerek.

Fairman - Scholarship Lunch

Joyce Fairman, right, was among the donors who attended this year's scholarship luncheon. Fairman spoke during the luncheon, offering the donor's perspective, and is pictured here getting to know scholarship recipient Emily Gmerek.

Instructor in Earth Sciences Patrick Applegate guides student James Greenawalt

Computer programming enriches education, job prospects for earth science majors

A degree in Earth science can prepare individuals for careers in a variety of fields, including environmental conservation, energy resources, wildlife conservation, environmental consulting and more. But students in the Earth science degree program at Penn State are getting a leg up on the competition to land jobs by gaining computer programming language experience as part of their curriculum.
Eric Gmerek

Penn State DuBois IST graduate launches career at Google

Google. It's a global company with a name so well known that in common vernacular it's often used as a verb. "Google it" is a phrase that has ended many an argument over everything from baseball statistics, to pop culture trivia, because the internet search engine that became a household name puts limitless information at the fingertips of nearly anyone. So, it's no small accomplishment that a recent graduate of the Penn State DuBois Information Sciences and Technology program has landed a job with the technology leader right out of college.
Career Fair.

Career Fair 16

Employers and jobseekers interacted during the annual Penn State DuBois Career Fair in the campus gymnasium.